The ebb and flow of clouds, rain, sun, hot, dry, humid and every combination thereof always makes a farmer wish for what we don't have! When it's hot it often feels too hot, and when it rains it seems to go on forever. Seed packets will often describe the proper planting time as when the weather has "settled" - here in New Hampshire I often ask myself if that ever even happens! Fortunately the weather patterns have given us just enough rain to make the earth damp enough to turn it over without turning it into a complete dust bowl. I am learning to drive Bill's tractor and starting to " get 'er done"! The main garden right out front is all turned over and some parts are ready for planting. We decided to till in the grass pathways and expand the garden towards to road into what was a garden previously for Eve's parents. The parts that have been in grass for a while will need to be turned again to help break down the sod and incorporate all that organic matter into the soil.
We had a lovely open house and potluck here on Sunday, which just so happened to be perfectly timed with the most fragrant and gorgeous blooming of the Magnolia tree. CSA members came out with the most abundant, beautiful and delicious food! It was a great opportunity to show folks the new CSA space, enjoy our common love of food and to see all of the baby animals - lambs, piglets and chicks bouncing around and putting on a good show. It's very easy to get sucked into baby animal TV here. I am just as delighted to watch all the plants growing in the garden as and in the yard and in the woods! The Magnolia tree was in full bloom as well as countless daffodils. The transplants are starting to put on true leaves and some are ready to put in the ground! I am always amazed at what a day off the farm does to your ability to see all the growing that's been done while you were away.